
Unlock Your True Power

Everyone has power, something they were born with, a blueprint, and based on the circumstances of their life and how they managed them, they developed from that blueprint, changing it piece by piece to become what they are today

whether that’s a completely different outcome or an enhanced or degraded version of that original blueprint, you have Power. A Power to decide and live out your choices. The more you live out your choices, the more power you have to live and more control you have over that power.

It all starts with doing

you must Do to be able, to BECOME

Before we Begin

How well can you Be? In everything that you do, Do you complain about it? does it feel like it’s killing you? like a burden to Do things, to move, to go, to take time with something or somewhere that isn’t where you call “Home”?

Do you do things just to get them over with? Do you often say “I can’t wait for ________ to be over”? wishing time would move faster, days go by, etc.?

if you said yes to any of those questions and you’re tired of living this way, check out the Spirit & Mind section of Training.

Where do I Start?

Restart from the beginning, when you BECAME.

You didn’t have to know how, you just did. As you did you learned and developed your ability more.

Today, no matter where you are in your journey of physical development, even if you haven’t noticed or deny yourself and refuse to acknowledge that you are on a physical journey, you know where your limits are, and what you can do.

Sadly most of these limits are known not because we have reached them but instead because they have reached us. Many people don’t work to practice their abilities or develop, much less maintain a stable base of movement abilities. Their limits become known because they spend too much energy thinking or misusing it for other useless purposes so wherever they think they can’t, they simply don’t do instead of doing and then analyzing it (Not thinking). So even if it is something they CAN do, if they think or “be-LIE-ve” they can’t, they don’t, and so from not doing it, they lose their ability and potential to do so.

Remember, knowledge comes from experience, from doing. If you haven’t been experiencing with yourself then you know nothing of what’s to come, and that’s not bad, because we all started there at some point and restart there every time we encounter a new challenge, but don’t stay there, don’t stay unknowing and not doing.

Our purpose is to experience, to get to know ourselves and our environment. so get to know yourself by doing more with your body.

Before you start “imagining” or thinking what it means to do more and tire yourself out before you even start, Let go of the images you have been fed, the stereotypes, labels and definitions of what it “Means” to “Do More” to “get to know your body”. Stop “listening” to all the noise around you, and focus on what is YOU. Yes even reading this website, Stop paying attention to what anyone has to say about what you are doing. Im not saying stop listening to anything but just don’t let everything in. Of everything you Hear or encounter (Even this website), decide what you listen to, see if its useful, by doing, and then make your own conclusion (So far) about what is useful and what isn’t. This platform isn’t meant to keep people online or on their phones and computers. Life is too real for all these pretend “realities”.

So put down your phone, get off your laptop, and put them away, out of sight, Humans weren’t made with pockets, we existed before these machines, we can live away from them for a while. Step outside or make some room, see how well you can control your body, what positions or movements seem to be difficult and instead of wasting your energy on things that are too difficult or impossible for you at the moment, focus on what you can. your abilities will grow and push your limits further away the more you develop what you CAN do.

Once You’ve experienced and learned from yourself a bit about your general abilities and limits, If you are interested in further developing yourself and experiencing that sensation of epiphany and discovery, of empowerment, feel free to come back and learn more about continuing on your Journey to return to your Natural Self.

Welcome to Training

Training is not a practice or preparation, its a lifestyle, if you want to become more able, you need to live that way.

From what you have already discovered about yourself, Where are you able and how can you use it?

Is there anything you need to do but aren’t capable of doing just yet without compensating or at all? meaning in a way that you have control, can repeat and almost never lose control or get wrong.

Lets focus on what you can do.

Principles of Training

Train To Live

Start in a position that you can control and are actually actively holding a strong base or foundation, not just passively still. A position where you can hold yourself up against pressures trying to throw you off balance, off center, or break apart your foundation moving you outside of your range of control.

Familiarize yourself with this feeling and your range of control, how far out from center you can handle moving while still being able to return to your Center.

Use this Range of Control now to move around in your environment. Remember to be present in where you are, where you are going, and the journey there.

Too often people take for granted their environment and just mindlessly move around the world, their street, what they call their homes, yes even walking to the kitchen, bedroom, up & down stairs, etc. This attitude and mentality creates a pattern of movement where instead of carrying yourself wherever you go, you fall everywhere. described more specifically: the person drags their feet, they don’t step, instead their feet fall and make heavy stomps, their walk is full of impact like they’re constantly falling forward, you can see the impact in their joints (knees, hips, shoulders, neck, head) and they could often complain about joint problems and/or back pain. They often hold doggy hands when they stand, and have a constant forward head posture. These people often sound like they are expecting things, demanding to be met, always asking for things or a mix of complaining and begging, their language is deflective or avoidant when encountering uncomfortable situations, In general they speak and watch (Not Observe) more than they do.

This has to be explained because there are no parts that work on their own, that’s why they are parts, made for a whole. Your physical training is also a mental and spiritual training. Just as mindsets and emotions have physical sensations, your physical training will effect and is affected by your mentality and spirit (The emotions you channel or function with).

The person described above is not an absolute, not everyone who lives with this mentality or attitude is completely like this or embodies this all the time. If any of these characteristics sound like you, you’re likely functioning with this mentality at times, it may be in certain spaces, at certain times, around certain people or environments. Nobody is perfect but the path to developing yourself is one of cleaning up and removing that which works against your nature from your environment to build yourself and your environment for Life not Death.

Back to Moving presently in your environment using your Range of Control.

This Range of Control is your tool set. Your Skill set, portfolio, Resumé, summary of your abilities. Use this to move around and live on a day to day from the smallest to biggest tasks you take on. From something as simple as brushing your teeth and taking a shower, to working in construction and maintenance or delivering packages, even back to working at a desk job.

Staying within your range of control will help you avoid injury and from repetitive function in this way, you are training yourself to stay within your capabilities, how to sense that and what it feels like to go too far or more than what you can handle. As you do this you will also be strengthening your base, your standard level of strength and ability within your Range of Control. Your Range will increase the more you train to reach close to (Not at) your Control Limit.

Training at extremes means if you move at extremes you must rest at extremes and respect the consequences of your actions. Forcing yourself and compensating to keep going causes more damage. this can lead you to become dependent on things outside of your nature to “recover” when it’s really destroying your nature. All causes have effects, and the effect of living outside of your nature is Injury.

Living according to your nature, your ability, is key to the next principle.

it makes you Useless for the rest of your day. Since training is not “Exercise”, it’s the way you live, training to failure makes you train to be useless or fail and have to function outside of your control (compensating) for the rest of your day or week depending on how long it takes to recover enough for you to move with at least some basic level of control. Or it makes you have to move at a much lower standard and range of control until you recover.

Train to be Useful

Training is for developing your skills, your ability, your usefulness. This means in order to become more able, you need to train always being able. Whether you are resting or working, remaining at some level or standard of ability.

Lose the mentality of training to “Failure” or giving “100%” or even more. that’s not training, that’s Exhaustion, Expending, Spending. That Mentality is used by people who don’t train living a better life but instead “Exercise” to meet a goal, an end, a destination, a reward. People who don’t live in the moment and experience their journey, instead needing outside “Motivation” and stimulation to Catch up to a standard set or upheld by others either doing the same or nothing at all, just spectators.

In Nature you always look out for your self preservation and especially if you’re looking to succeed there is no point in “Training to Fail”, Giving 100% will leave you drained, dead. Nature is always about the force of balance. Even when things happen at extremes they face the consequences at those same extremes. Nature doesn’t give 100%, it completes it, it gives and receives, it cooperates in order to Cultivate, to grow and develop its 100%.

Training has no beginning or end because it is a constant, a way of life. Nothing is ever over it just becomes less or more. It fluctuates in balance with itself. This doesn’t mean you always need to be doing or be alert, it’s actually the opposite. It’s a reminder that even when you don’t feel you are doing something, you are still playing a role in your life.

You are always active, even at your least active level, sleep. Your body, your mind are still functioning just at a different pace, your spirit is still alive just on a different plane. So even when you are resting, whether it’s sleeping or just being less active, you are still able. Training to be able is about keeping a reserve to cultivate with or also to tap into if the situation arises but only in emergency circumstances.

Some moments are for action, others are for letting go. Always focusing on doing, attaining, becoming, will burden you instead of transforming you. Transformation is about letting go, not just receiving.

This is a good moment to check out the Spirit & Mind section of Training.

Allow yourself to remain open to the unpredictable and it will empower you to change the life you are living in.

Cultivate your Environment as you do your INvironment

As you train, which is as you live, the changes that occur in your mind and spirit along with your physical ability, and will drive you to create an environment to continue the progression of your inner self. Your INvironment.

This process goes hand in hand with the spiritual and mental training. it’s about removing what is useless and goes against your nature, your becoming, and making room for living and being.

Let go of the habits you participate in that lead you to compensate for when you are weaker, feel sick / heavy / sluggish, lack energy, etc. By stopping yourself from compensating you will expose the truth of what your “lifestyle” is doing to you. Doing this will open your awareness and physical ability to sense. You will sense with more truth what the causes of these damaging conditions are and this will guide you away from the Harmful habits.

As you actively stop yourself from participating in these environments and habits, you need to shift your direction towards what the real you, “the spirit”, wants the currently changing you to become. Towards your nature. Enjoy the process and feel your way through the experience.

It is easy to get caught up in the mind during this process, this is why it’s about your physical ability. Your body is much smarter than you beLIEve it to be, let it do its thing and experience what it is trying to ex-press. Focusing your energy on doing things, becoming more able, you can live better now instead of focusing on what you stopped doing in the past.

To help if it feels too difficult mentally, experiencing the present moment as you Do, will present you with a joy and appreciation of the moment far more than in the other so-called experiences you had living in Lies of distraction and stimulation. Let the enjoyment of becoming the real you force you to make room for more experiences like that and it will remove any blockages holding you back from letting go of what doesn’t serve your nature.

Experiencing will open your senses much more to the possibilities in Nature and help you Find what you need to remove to move on.

  • What keeps you from living with nature, its rhythm and its envinronment?
  • What do you need to escape from in your current circumstances?
  • What do you want to wake up to do? What do you want to be able to do?
  • What are you tired of in your life?

You were born with nothing but yourself and became with yourself, when you move on to the next phase you will leave behind everything except your spirit. In this experience of life, everything changes and there are no guarantees, all of our “Problems” are things we hold on to while the experience continues to move on. It’s the act of staying stuck, of attaching to what you connect to. Feel free to let go of what is killing you and the unnecessary ideas or “Problems” you are holding on to.

Imagine what it would be like if you didn’t have to do the things you feel draining you.

  • Why do you “need” to?
  • Who says you “need” to?
  • Are they experiencing this with you or doing the same? Why then as a group should you need to? Who is it for, if not for yourselves?
    • If not, and you are the only one experiencing it or suffering its consequences, Are they your consequences to experience or someone else’s responsibility? Is it You that needs it? or Others who “need” You to do it For them / need it From You?
  • If everyone around you complains so much about the “Lifestyle” they continue to justify creating an endless cycle for themselves:
    • Why should you have to do the same? it’s obviously not working With them. Why should you “accept” their standard or way of “living” as your own? Changing your life is Changing What you “DO FOR A LIVING

Once you let go of the useless things in your environment you can then focus on what you really need.

  • What is the reason for the way you have been living?
  • Why do you need to go to someone else or somewhere outside of your environment to look for your needs to be provided?
  • If others can provide it, why can’t you? You are no different, so what can you provide for yourself if you took the energy to develop yourself to be able to do so?

Cut out the Middle Man, the Slave Owner, Stop Living for others. Give yourself Control of Your life, Live For Yourself and With others doing the same.

Life’s “problems” are for You to Become the Solution. They are Circumstances for Growth.

Living in Purpose

We’ve covered the basics, now you can use them to continue on your journey no matter where you are or how long you have been on it. Nature works in cycles, it has rhythms and tempos, these principles are always involved in your journey but which you use or prioritize more is dependent on the current cycle and rhythm of your life and what rhythms you are looking to dance to.

As you train you will find purpose in your experiences, and many purposes to train. You will find how the basics will translate over all areas of your life and help you to help others who are doing the same.

Now that you know the value and power of Your Physical Training and its use as a tool for your overall experience you can improve your way of living by acting in the guidance of your Spirit & Mind.

Table of Contents