
Let’s put it all together now

You aren’t really putting anything together, it’s not something you do really, its something that has been done on its own. always. you have just now begun to acknowledge the inner forces of your life and lived in a way that shows enough respect to them that you have started to listen to them and use their guidance to move throughout the circumstances of your life. The more you live like this, listening to your guide and experiencing things for what they are, being more present, you become more aware and the more these “parts” work together and grow more strongly connected.

The development of this connection and of these “parts” is what makes up your instinct and its functional ability. When you use your instinct, it is not something you are using, it is you. this is just giving it a space, a term, a vessel to acknowledge.

Life is something that is detailed but also general, they both relate and can’t exist without each other. The more you live, you develop this instinct and its parts, you develop you.

This is where you realize that in aligning your life with your inner self, the “invisible” forces that make up your existence you have formed a way of life. A way whose details of journeying changes but general direction remains constant. The details of your living may change but always following the compass of your travel. The principles you live by and keep amending, the Code you form and continue to test and redefine.

This training is one of experience and recollection, appreciation for what was, what is and becoming what will be.

Many people love to say “forgive and forget” but then when it benefits their wants, they also beLIEve in the saying “you live and you learn”.

you cannot learn from what you forget, so instead of repeating sayings, do Doings, if it doesn’t work, doesn’t Do, then it has no use. Live by acknowledging and forgiving, others and yourself, and learn by recognizing from what you have lived and experienced.

You are your Base

Most people “think” that your base is something you build to then protect you from harm or support other useless things and be “unaffected”, something they can rely on even when they stop using it, this is why they live in such a way (taking care of needs and then losing control because they beLIEve their Base will take of them For them). the truth is that you are always present, always living, always doing to some extent, what you don’t use you don’t use, it removes itself as you make room for what you are using. How often you Use an ability determines how available it is in your life. But the moment you do things that harm your ability by participating in that which goes against your nature, you are just as open to damage or injury as anyone else. There is no such thing as being unaffected, only how well you can manage the effects, Navigate the Circumstances.

In Nature there is no such thing as safety, no Home, only habitats. When your habitat (where you live, meaning habitually Do things) is destroyed or invaded etc. you go and find a new place to habituate in (to be yourself). Your Base is something you carry with you wherever go, because it is something you Are. You always had it, it was always you, the difference between then and now is your condition, your ability. Every home or Environment you build or create is made from you, your INvironment. The Blueprint came from within.

This “Base”, Your Natural Ability, is what is called Your Natural Instinct.

The combination, the Whole of the parts (Body, Spirit & Mind) and their abilities are what create You.